Let journaling transform your pregnancy.

Excitement. Fear. Happiness. Exhaustion.
The cycle of thoughts and emotions around pregnancy and birth can be like being on an emotional roller coaster. Getting your thoughts out of your head and on paper is transformative and healing. That's why I created this Pregnancy Journaling Challenge. Sign-up today for FREE.

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    This pregnancy journal challenge will cost you time every day for 4-weeks. To participate you will need a journal and commitment. If you enjoy printables, you can purchase my printable pregnancy journal here. It's not a requirement to participate in the challenge.


    The official start date of this Pregnancy Journal Challenge is NOW. Every week, you will get prompts delivered to your inbox. You also have the option of using your own prompts. This challenge is about writing not controling what you write.


    If journaling is not a routine or habit for you, this is a great time to incorporate writing into your wellness routine. I'm a firm believer that wellness is as much physical as it is mental. If journaling is already a habit, you already know it's value and I invite you to use my prompts or create your own.